Implementing monochromatic colors in a room is bold, eye-catching, unapologetic and creates cohesion. It's no surprise that rooms bathed in a single hue embody unparalleled color harmony.

“Use a monochromatic color palette to create soul in the room,” says Amanda Leigh, co-managing partner at House of Rolison. “When you work with a monochromatic color palette, you start to focus more on the feeling that the space evokes, rather than what is in the space.”

However, moving away from a variety of shades can seem intimidating. Where to start? How much of a single shade is too much? What can you do to bring out the nuances of a palette? Whether you're looking for a subtle bath of pigment or a vibrancy in a color scheme, our interior design experts will guide you through the best ways to implement an analogous color scheme that goes beyond just adding a pop of color to a room .

As for the benefits of a monochromatic color scheme, New York designer and artist Doug Meyer sums it up by saying, "If there's a color you really love, creating a room with that color is a joy".

What does monochromatic color mean? “Monochromatic colors are colors that are in a similar hue and saturation, which when mixed together create a subtle and relaxing, but also very impactful effect,” says Kirsten Blazek, principal designer at A1000XBetter in Pasadena, California. "When using monochromatic colors, it's important to vary shades, tones, and hues to create interest and depth."

To apply your own internal color theory model, start with a single color of your choice and use it as your base color. Then, play with the saturation by looking for objects with darker shades of the chosen color and objects with lighter shades of the same color. The key is that they all belong to the same color family. Think of a monochromatic color scheme as layering in an ombré mural. Here's how we translate it into interior design: start with aubergine walls, move to an elegant purple upholstery for the furniture, and finish with lilac cushions.

Before starting a design project, play around with Photoshop to explore different colors that might fit your space. “Nothing should be too perfect,” says Lilly Bunn, a New York-based designer (and former fashion editor). “You can't put down coffee and newspaper in a 'perfect' room.”

Photo credit House & Gardens.
